General Admission Requirements

Applying is easy - send an email or call the school to set up an appointment with the school administrator.

Winonah School of Cosmetology admits students who have reached the states compulsory age of 16. Winonah School of Cosmetology does not recruit students already attending or admitted to other schools offering similar programs. Winonah School of Cosmetology does not accept ability to benefit (ATB) students at this time. Students who wish to enroll in a program at Winonah School of Cosmetology should meet the following requirements:


Admissions Procedure

All students are required to have a personal interview with the School Administrator. At the interview, prospective students will be given a tour of the facilities and will receive the school Catalog and Handbook containing information on tuition, Curriculums, school policies, and procedures.
To recieve a paper copy of the catalog please send an email to: stating your fullname, phone number and mailing address. PO Box addresses not accepted.
Applicants may enroll at the interview or schedule another appointment. The School Administrator and the applicant complete an Enrollment Agreement and agree upon a start date. All applicants sign and receive a copy of the Enrollment Agreement.

Registration must be in person and during regular school hours.